Neonatal CCRN Certification Review Course Institutional License on Disc

    Neonatal CCRN Certification Review Course Institutional License on Disc

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    Year published: 2020
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    Product Code: 301993

    Neonatal CCRN Certification Review Course Institutional License on Disc

    Your nurses are experts at what they do every day. Help them validate their specialty knowledge and elevate patient care by becoming certified. AACN’s Neonatal CCRN Certification Review Course provides the tools your nurses need to confidently prepare for their acute/critical care nursing certification exam.

    Course Overview

    This comprehensive course provides an in-depth review of all content areas covered in the most current CCRN Neonatal test plan, including detailed body systems topics as well as “Professional Caring and Ethical Practice” topics identified in the AACN Synergy Model for Patient Care.

    Features include:

    • A flexible, modular design that supports a variety of learning styles and allows repeating to ensure optimal retention
    • An overview of nursing management for neonatal patients targeted to the content areas identified on the test plans
    • Test-taking strategies to guide each nurse’s approach to exam questions and increase their success in providing answers
    • Practice questions to help nurses apply their decision-making knowledge in a test-like environment

    Intended for purchase by hospitals and health systems, our Institutional Review Course on disc enables organizations to prepare an unlimited number of nurses for their CCRN Neonatal certification exam. To maximize the value of the course, AACN also offers an associated Group Participant Package (GPP). Purchased separately for each learner, the GPP supplements the recorded course content and allows learners to obtain CE hours.

    Who Should Take the Course?

    Whether your team provides direct care or influences the care provided to acutely/critically ill neonatal patients, our certification review course helps support their certification journey. It is an ideal study resource for nurses pursuing CCRN Neonatal certification via either pathway option:

    • CCRN Direct Care Pathway – For nurses who provide direct care to acutely/critically ill neonatal patients
    • CCRN Knowledge Professional Pathway – For nurses who influence the care delivered to acutely/critically ill neonatal patients, but do not primarily or exclusively provide direct care

    Please note: The course still references the former CCRN-K credential title, which is now CCRN – Knowledge Professional Pathway. This does not impact the course content, which aligns with the Exam Test Plan for the certifications noted above.

    Exam Eligibility

    Are your nurses eligible to take the CCRN exam? Two pathways of eligibility are available for the CCRN Neonatal exam. Explore eligibility and practice hour requirements for each pathway, as well as the CCRN Exam Test Plan using the links below.

    Course Syllabus

    Course content reflects the weighting of items on the CCRN Neonatal Test Plan: 80% focus on clinical judgment, 20% focus on professional caring and ethical practice.

    Clinical Judgment

    • Cardiovascular
    • Respiratory
    • Neurological
    • Renal/Genitourinary
    • Gastrointestinal
    • Hematology/Immunology
    • Endocrine
    • Integumentary
    • Musculoskeletal
    • Multisystem/Behavioral/Psychosocial

    Professional Caring and Ethical Practice

    • Advocacy/Moral Agency
    • Caring Practices
    • Response to Diversity
    • Facilitation of Learning
    • Collaboration
    • Systems Thinking
    • Clinical Inquiry

    Learning Outcomes

    At the completion of this learning activity, participants should be able to:

    • Validate your knowledge of critical care nursing prior to sitting for the Neonatal CCRN certification exams.
    • Identify the areas of study you will need to focus on prior to sitting for the Neonatal CCRN certification exams.
    • Review single and multi-system pathophysiologies in neonatal patients and medical, nursing and pharmacologic management of each.

    Successful Completion

    • Learners must complete 100% of the activity and the associated evaluation to be awarded the contact hours or CERPs. No partial credit will be awarded.
    • The course awards 9.4 hours, CERP Category A.

    Licensing Considerations

    Important: Please download and read the Institutional License Terms of Use

    Agreement required prior to purchase. By purchasing, you agree to abide by the terms of the License Agreement. Use of this program is permitted on an Intranet or network system, but the disc may not be duplicated.

    Note: This disc will work on a personal computer (PC) or MAC with a DVD-ROM or DVD-RAM drive. The disc is not designed for use in a DVD player/console that is connected to a television or home theater system.

    Authors/Facilitators/Presenters & Credentials

    • Nancy McNeil MSN, RNC-CIC, CNS, CPNP 


    This activity has been reviewed by the Nurse Planner. It has been determined that the material presented here shows no bias. Approval of a continuing education (CE) activity does not imply AACN or ANCC approval or endorsement of any commercial products discussed or displayed in conjunction with this educational activity.


    The American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s (ANCC's) Commission on Accreditation, ANCC Provider Number 0012. AACN has been approved as a provider of continuing education in nursing by the California Board of Registered Nursing (CA BRN), California Provider number CEP 1036. This activity is approved for 9.4 contact hours. 

    AACN programming meets the standards for most states that require mandatory continuing education contact hours for license and/or certification renewal. AACN recommends consulting with your state board of nursing or credentialing organization before submitting CE to fulfill continuing education requirements. 

    CE Expiration Date: March 31, 2025


    AACN Certification Corporation does not approve, endorse or require for eligibility any specific exam preparation products.

    This item is non-refundable.