Arterial Blood Gases Made Easy, 2nd Ed.

Arterial Blood Gases Made Easy, 2nd Ed.

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Book176 pages
Year published: 2016
ISBN: 9780702061905
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Product Code: 128910

Arterial Blood Gases Made Easy, 2nd Ed.

Over half of the book is devoted to thirty clinical case scenarios involving analysis of arterial blood gases, allowing the reader to gain both proficiency in interpretation and an appreciation of the role of an ABG in guiding clinical diagnosis and management.

Table of Contents:

Part 1: The ABG Explained

• Introduction
• Pulmonary gas exchange: the basics
• Disorders of gas exchange
• Acid base balance: the basics
• Disorders of acid base balance
• ABG sampling technique
• When and why is an ABG required
• Common ABG values
• Making ABG interpretation easy

Part 2: The ABG in Practice

The second part of the book contains a series of 30 clinical scenarios each requiring interpretation of an arterial blood gas as the end point. Each scenario comprises a 2 page spread. The first page includes information on history and examination findings, with or without other important test results. The opposing page shows the ABG result in the style of a computer print-out and list a series of questions for the reader to answer. Each scenario has a corresponding question and explanation at the back of the book.

ISBN #: 978070206190

Authors: I. Hennessey, A. Japp