The New Leadership Challenge: Creating the Future of Nursing, 6th Ed.

The New Leadership Challenge: Creating the Future of Nursing, 6th Ed.

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Book329 pages
Year published: 2021
ISBN: 9781719640411
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6 in stock

Product Code: 128627

The New Leadership Challenge: Creating the Future of Nursing, 6th Ed.

A diverse, interactive book that could be used in academia to support masters and
doctorate level needs or a personal journey towards your own transformational leadership. Drs.
Grossman and Valiga are futuristically looking ahead to what nursing can and will evolve into with
inclusion of communication styles, difficult conversations, and an ability to assess your own leadership
style through validated tools. Through utilization of real-world case studies, it keeps the content fresh
and timely to support readers' engagement and growth.

Table of Contents:

1. The Phenomenon of Leadership: Classic/Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Leadership
2. The Nature of Leadership: Distinguishing Leadership From Management
3. Disequilibrium and Chaos: Challenging, Invigorating and Growth Producing
4. The World and New Leadership: Changing Our Thinking About Leadership
5. Followership and Empowerment
6. Leadership as an Integral Component of Each Nurse’s Professional Role
7. Vision and Creativity
8. Gender Perspectives in Leadership
9. Shaping a Preferred Future for Nursing
10. Developing as a Leader Throughout One’s Career
11. Leadership, Excellence, and Professional Involvement: All Essential to Creating a Preferred Future for Nursing

ISBN #: 9781719640411

Authors: S. C. Grossman, T. M. Valiga