Manual of Critical Care Nursing - Nursing Interventions and Collaborative Management, 8th Ed.

Manual of Critical Care Nursing - Nursing Interventions and Collaborative Management, 8th Ed.

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Book1060 pages
Year published: 2022
ISBN: 9780323755627
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14 in stock

Product Code: 128225

Manual of Critical Care Nursing - Nursing Interventions and Collaborative Management, 8th Ed.

Compact, yet comprehensive is the go-to reference for helping you provide safe, high-quality nursing care in critical care settings. Written in an abbreviated outline format, it presents essential information on more than 75 disorders and conditions, as well as concepts relevant to caring for critically ill patients and functioning in the critical care environment. Award-winning clinical nurse specialist Marianne Baird separates the content first by body system and then by disorder, with each disorder including a brief description of pathophysiology, assessment, diagnostic testing, collaborative management, nursing diagnoses, desired outcomes, nursing interventions, and patient teaching and rehabilitation.

Key Features:
  • Focused content and a more streamlined, quick-reference format emphasize generic "patient problems" language in lieu of nursing-specific diagnoses to promote inter-professional collaboration and improved communication facilitated by a shared language.
  • Comprehensive coverage reflects the latest evidence-based practice and national and international treatment guidelines.
  • Coverage of inter-professional collaborative management includes Inter-professional Collaborative Management headings and tables that concisely summarize relevant performance measures while incorporating the best available patient care guidelines.
  • Enhanced focus on need-to-know content facilitates quicker information retrieval in time-sensitive high acuity, progressive, and critical care settings.

ISBN #: 9780323755627

Author: M. Saunorus Baird