AACN Procedure Manual for Progressive and Critical Care, 8th Ed.

    AACN Procedure Manual for Progressive and Critical Care, 8th Ed.

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    Book1236 pages
    Year published: 2024
    ISBN: 9780323793810
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    Product Code: 128150

    AACN Procedure Manual for Progressive and Critical Care, 8th Ed.

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    Edited by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) and written by more than 100 critical care experts under the direction of Karen L. Johnson, PhD, RN, FAAN, this definitive reference represents the gold standard of care for procedures performed in progressive and critical care settings. It guides you through procedures common to the adult critical care environment, including those performed by advanced practice nurses, in an illustrated, step-by-step format.

    Now in full color, the manual features new procedures, new and updated illustrations and updated content, reflecting the latest evidence-based guidelines and national and international protocols. Quick-reference tabs make it easier than ever to locate content quickly.

    This new edition integrates key AACN initiatives, such as practice alerts, and coordinates closely with “AACN Core Curriculum for Progressive and Critical Care Nursing,” 8th edition. Chapter-specific quick links employ QR codes for instant access to high-quality online references.

    Table of Contents:


    Section One: Airway Management
    1. Endotracheal Intubation (Perform) AP
    2. Endotracheal Intubation (Assist)
    3. Endotracheal Tube Care and Oral Care Practices for Ventilated and Non-Ventilated Patients
    4. Extubation/Decannulation (Perform) AP
    5. Extubation/Decannulation (Assist)
    6. Laryngeal Mask Airway
    7. Nasopharyngeal and Oral Airway Insertion
    8. Suctioning: Endotracheal or Tracheostomy Tube
    9. Surgical Cricothyrotomy (Perform) AP
    10. Surgical Cricothyrotomy (Assist)
    11. Tracheostomy Cuff and Tube Care

    Section Two: Special Pulmonary Procedures
    12. Continuous End-Tidal Carbon Dioxide Monitoring
    13. Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO)
    14. Oxygen Saturation Monitoring with Pulse Oximetry
    15. Prone Positioning for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) Patients

    Section Three: Thoracic Cavity Management
    16. Autotransfusion
    17. Chest Tube Placement (Perform) AP
    18. Chest Tube Placement (Assist)
    19. Chest Tube Removal (Perform)
    20. Chest Tube Removal (Assist)
    21. Closed Chest Drainage System
    22. Needle Thoracostomy (Perform) AP
    23. Thoracentesis (Perform) AP
    24. Thoracentesis (Assist)
    25. Bronchoscopy (Perform) AP
    26. Bronchoscopy (Assist)

    Section Four: Ventilatory Management
    27. Invasive Mechanical Ventilation (Through Artificial Airway): Volume and Pressure Modes
    28. Noninvasive Ventilation
    29. Manual Self-Inflating Resuscitation Bag-Valve Device
    30. Weaning Mechanical Ventilation


    Section Five: Cardiac Emergencies
    31. Automated External Defibrillation
    32. Cardioversion
    33. Defibrillation (External)
    34. Emergent Open Sternotomy (Perform) AP and Defibrillation (Internal) (Perform) AP
    35. Emergent Open Sternotomy (Assist) and Defibrillation (Internal) Assist
    36. External Wearable Cardioverter-Defibrillator
    37. Pericardiocentesis (Perform) AP
    38. Pericardiocentesis (Assist)

    Section Six: Cardiac Pacemakers
    39. Atrial Electrogram
    40. Atrial Overdrive Pacing (Perform) AP
    41. Temporary Epicardial Pacing Wire Removal (Perform) AP
    42. Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator: Post-Insertion Care
    43. Permanent Pacemaker (Assessing Function)
    44. Temporary Transcutaneous (External) Pacing
    45. Temporary Transvenous Pacemaker Insertion (Perform) AP
    46. Temporary Transvenous and Epicardial Pacing

    Section Seven: Mechanical Circulatory Assist Devices
    47. Intraaortic Balloon Pump Management
    48. Ventricular Assist Devices (AP)

    Section Eight: Electrocardiographic Leads and Cardiac Monitoring
    49. Electrocardiographic Leads and Cardiac Monitoring
    50. ST-Segment Monitoring (Continuous)
    51. Twelve-Lead Electrocardiogram

    Section Nine: Hemodynamic Monitoring
    52. Arterial Catheter Insertion (Perform) AP
    53. Arterial Catheter Insertion (Assist), Care and Removal
    54. Blood Sampling from Arterial Catheter
    55. Arterial Pressure-Based Cardiac Output Monitoring
    56. Central Venous/Right Atrial Pressure Monitoring
    57. Blood Sampling from Central Venous Catheter
    58. Pulmonary Artery Catheter Insertion (Perform) AP
    59. Pulmonary Artery Catheter Insertion (Assist) and Pressure Monitoring
    60. Single Pressure and Multiple Pressure Transducer Systems
    61. Pulmonary Artery Catheter and Pressure Lines, Troubleshooting
    62. Blood Sampling from a Pulmonary Artery Catheter
    63. Continuous Venous Oxygen Saturation Monitoring
    64. Pulmonary Artery Catheter Removal
    65. Cardiac Output Measurement Techniques (Invasive)
    66. Non-invasive Cardiac Monitoring
    67. Esophageal Cardiac Output Monitoring (Perform) AP
    68. Esophageal Cardiac Output Monitoring (Assist), Nursing Care and Removal

    Section Ten: Special Cardiac Procedures
    69. Femoral Arterial and Venous Sheath Removal
    70. Radial Arterial Sheath Removal
    71. Pericardial Catheter Management
    72. Transesophageal Echocardiography (Assist)

    Section Eleven: Vascular Access and Fluid Management
    73. Arterial Puncture
    74. Central Venous Catheter Insertion (Perform) AP
    75. Central Venous Catheter Insertion (Assist), Nursing Care and Removal
    76. Implantable Venous Access Device: Access, Deaccess and Care (AP)
    77. Peripherally Inserted Central Catheters (AP)
    78. Use of a Massive Infusion Device and a Pressure Infusor Bag
    79. Intraosseous Devices


    Section Twelve: Neurologic Monitoring
    80. Peripheral Nerve Stimulation: Train-of-Four Monitoring
    81. Noninvasive Brain Tissue Monitoring: Near-Infrared Cerebral Spectroscopy
    82. EEG Monitoring (Assist) and Nursing Care
    83. Signal Processed EEG
    84. Brain Tissue Oxygen Monitoring: Insertion (Assist), Nursing Care and Troubleshooting
    85. Cerebral Blood Flow Monitoring
    86. Cerebral Microdialysis
    87. Intracranial Pressure Monitoring, Nursing Care, Troubleshooting and Removal

    Section Thirteen: Special Neurologic Procedures
    88. Lumbar Puncture (Perform) AP
    89. Lumbar Puncture (Assist) and Nursing Care
    90. Pupillometer

    Section Fourteen: Traction Management
    91. Cervical Traction and Stabilization: Assist and Nursing Care
    92. Pin Site and Vest Care

    Section Fifteen: Pain Management
    93. Epidural Catheters: Insertion (Assist) and Pain Management
    94. Patient-Controlled Analgesia


    Section Sixteen: Special Gastrointestinal Procedures
    95. Esophagogastric Tamponade Tube
    96. Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma (Perform) AP
    97. Gastric Lavage in Hemorrhage and Overdose
    98. Endoscopic Therapy
    99. Intraabdominal Pressure Monitoring
    100. Nasogastric and Orogastric Tube Insertion, Nursing Care and Removal
    101. Fecal Microbiota Transplant (FMT) (Perform)
    102. Molecular Adsorbent Recirculating System (MARS)
    103. Paracentesis (Perform) AP
    104. Paracentesis (Assist)


    Section Seventeen: Renal Replacement
    105. Continuous Renal Replacement Therapies
    106. Hemodialysis
    107. Peritoneal Dialysis


    Section Eighteen: Special Hematologic Procedures
    108. Apheresis and Therapeutic Plasma Exchange (Assist)
    109. Bone Marrow Biopsy and Aspiration (Perform) AP
    110. Bone Marrow Biopsy and Aspiration (Assist)


    Section Nineteen: Burn Wound Management
    111. Burn Wound Care
    112. Donor-Site Care
    113. Skin Graft Care

    Section Twenty: Special Integumentary Procedures
    114. Intracompartmental Pressures
    115. Wound Closure (Perform) AP

    Section Twenty-One: Wound Management
    116. Cleaning, Irrigating, Culturing and Dressing an Open Wound
    117. Debridement: Pressure Ulcers, Burns and Wounds (Perform) AP
    118. Negative Pressure Wound Therapy
    119. Wound Management with Excessive Drainage
    120. Fecal Containment Devices and Bowel Management Systems


    121. Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG), Gastrostomy and Jejunostomy Tube Care
    122. Small Bore Feeding Tube Insertion and Nursing Care
    123. Small Bore Feeding Tube Insertion Using Guidance Systems


    124. Thermoregulation: Heating, Cooling and Targeted Temperature Management
    125. Prevention of Immobility-Related Complications: CLRT Rotorest: Ambulation of Critically Ill Patients
    126. Intrahospital Transport of Critically Ill Patients

    ISBN #: 9780323793810
    Karen L. Johnson
    Editor: AACN

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    The AACN Procedure Manual is also available in a variety of e-book formats, including Elsevier eBook on VitalSource®, an electronic version of the book integrated with Elsevier’s powerful e-learning and collaboration tools. For more information on this version, visit Elsevier. Also available is a licensing version that can be uploaded to healthcare facility intranets or EMRs for easy staff access. To purchase a site license for the licensing version, or for additional information, email H.Licensing@elsevier.com.