Our community of exceptional nurses is facing a crisis unlike anything we've seen before. Every day, we bring our all to our work caring for patients under these unprecedented conditions, sometimes on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic and always on the frontlines of our patients' vulnerability.
AACN recognizes the mental and emotional stresses you may be facing.
To help, we've partnered with the nation's leading nursing organizations to provide you with free tools and resources to support your mental health and well-being.
Digital Toolkit
Moodfit App
This app enables you to set wellness goals using proven methods such as mindfulness meditation, breathing exercises and lifestyle tracking.
Happy App
This app includes modifications specifically for nurses to help manage the stress, anxiety, fear and isolation that often come from working with the sickest patients whether from COVID-19 or other morbidity.
Mental Health Support Services
This resource helps you understand when and how to access social and peer support, as well as mental health services and treatment.
Online Self-Assessment
This self-screening tool helps check your stress level and provides tailored resources vetted and recommended by mental health experts.
Virtual Support System
Nurses Together: Connecting Through Conversations
Join peer-to-peer calls — scheduled throughout the day, seven days a week — which offer a safe space to share experiences and seek support from other nurses.
Narrative Expressive Writing
Process your experiences and emotions related to COVID-19 through a guided narrative writing program.
We're proud partners of the American Nurses Foundation's Well-Being Initiative, which offers these tools as well as additional resources for grief, family support and financial hardship.
Our Partners
The Well-Being Initiative is a partnership with AACN, American Nurses Foundation, American Nurses Association, American Psychiatric Nurses Association and Emergency Nurses Association.