Assessment Questions

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1 Administrators, nurse managers, physicians, nurses and other staff maintain frequent communication to prevent each other from being surprised or caught off guard by decisions.
2 Administrators, nurse managers, and physicians involve nurses and other staff to an appropriate degree when making important decisions.
3 Administrators and nurse managers work with nurses and other staff to make sure there are enough staff to maintain patient safety.
4 The formal reward and recognition systems work to make nurses and other staff feel valued.
5 Most nurses and other staff here have a positive relationship with their nurse leaders (managers, directors, advanced practice nurses, etc.).
6 Administrators, nurse managers, physicians, nurses, and other staff make sure their actions match their words —they "walk their talk."
7 Administrators, nurse managers, physicians, nurses, and other staff are consistent in their use of data-driven, logical decision-making processes to make sure their decisions are the highest quality.
8 Administrators and nurse managers make sure there is the right mix of nurses and other staff to ensure optimal outcomes.
9 Administrators, nurse managers, physicians, nurses, and other staff members speak up and let people know when they've done a good job.
10 Nurses and other staff feel able to influence the policies, procedures, and bureaucracy around them.
11 The right departments, professions, and groups are involved in important decisions.
12 Support services are provided at a level that allows nurses and other staff to spend their time on the priorities and requirements of patient and family care.
13 Nurse leaders (managers, directors, advanced practice nurses, etc.) demonstrate an understanding of the requirements and dynamics at the point of care, and use this knowledge to work for a healthy work environment.
14 Administrators, nurse managers, physicians, nurses, and other staff have zero-tolerance for disrespect and abuse. If they see or hear someone being disrespectful, they hold them accountable regardless of the person's role or position.
15 When administrators, nurse managers, and physicians speak with nurses and other staff, it’s not one-way communication or order giving. Instead, they seek input and use it to shape decisions.
16 Administrators, nurse managers, physicians, nurses, and other staff are careful to consider the patient's and family's perspectives whenever they are making important decisions.
17 There are motivating opportunities for personal growth, development, and advancement.
18 Nurse leaders (managers, directors, advanced practice nurses, etc.) are given the access and authority required to play a role in making key decisions.