The following sample contracts may be used and modified based on the chapter’s negotiations with the other party. Before signing, submit for review and approval once all of the terms and conditions have been entered. Please refer to the policy for full detail.
Chapter Contract & Grant Policy
Catering Agreement Template
Exhibitor – Vendor Agreement for Exhibit Space Template
Letter of Agreement Template
Speaker Agreement Template
Support Agreement Template
Support Agreement for a Dinner Meeting Template
Support Agreement for a Vendor-Supported Speaker Template
Vendor Letter 1 Template
Vendor Letter 2 Template
Contracts must include the following:
The chapter name must be fully spelled out within all agreements.
Example: “the Aliso Viejo Chapter of the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AVC-AACN).”
All terms and conditions itemized within the contract so there are no assumptions.
Contracts should be very detailed so there is no ambiguity.
Spending limits clearly stated in every agreement.
Cancellation clause.
Two chapter signatures: (1) chapter president, and (2) chapter treasurer or the appropriate chairperson.
Chapters should submit contracts online using the Chapter Contract Submission Form. Doing so will provide chapters with an immediate confirmation number, which can be traced if needed. Please allow up to two weeks for review and approval.
Chapter Contract & Grant Policy
Catering Agreement Template
Exhibitor – Vendor Agreement for Exhibit Space Template
Letter of Agreement Template
Speaker Agreement Template
Support Agreement Template
Support Agreement for a Dinner Meeting Template
Support Agreement for a Vendor-Supported Speaker Template
Vendor Letter 1 Template
Vendor Letter 2 Template
Contracts must include the following:
The chapter name must be fully spelled out within all agreements.
Example: “the Aliso Viejo Chapter of the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AVC-AACN).”
All terms and conditions itemized within the contract so there are no assumptions.
Contracts should be very detailed so there is no ambiguity.
Spending limits clearly stated in every agreement.
Cancellation clause.
Two chapter signatures: (1) chapter president, and (2) chapter treasurer or the appropriate chairperson.
Chapters should submit contracts online using the Chapter Contract Submission Form. Doing so will provide chapters with an immediate confirmation number, which can be traced if needed. Please allow up to two weeks for review and approval.