We’ve experienced so many losses as a community this year – whether it be patients, a family member or friend, time with loved ones or confidence in our safety. Especially during this time of incredible stress and uncertainty, missing our annual gathering at the National Teaching Institute & Critical Care Exposition (NTI) was also a big disappointment for many of you.
It was with the COVID-19 crisis and your roles on the frontline in mind that we made the very difficult decision to cancel NTI 2020 in Indianapolis. I know you were as disappointed as I was to miss our annual opportunity to come together to celebrate, recognize each other and learn.
Some of you have asked us why we didn’t put together a virtual experience. The answer is that there were not enough time and resources to invest in a virtual offering that approximates the NTI you’ve come to expect.
Instead, we committed our staff resources to developing and providing our community with the education and resources you needed to begin to move through the COVID-19 crisis with confidence and agility. I’ve been incredibly inspired by your stories of teamwork, innovation and excellence.
Right now, what I see around me, and I hear in your stories is your commitment to a single mission — to taking care of your patients and taking care of each other. You are all in. Being All In does not mean a singular voice or action. Being all in requires individuals, groups, and systems. The theme “This Is Our Moment – All In” and accompanying artwork I would have unveiled at NTI conveys these ideas. If you haven’t already, please take a moment to watch the video and read the blog we produced to unveil the theme.
As we reflect on how much we missed NTI this year, I am thrilled that the AACN team and talented volunteers are already planning and preparing for NTI 2021. Our hope is that we will be able to come together in San Diego, but if that’s not feasible, NTI 2021 will occur virtually with the unparalleled education that the conference offers. The program planning committees will be meeting throughout July and August to begin their planning.
Whether live or virtual, we’ll be recognizing our outstanding colleagues, so consider nominating a peer who excels in all aspects of his or her career, during this crisis and beyond. Nominations for our Circle of Excellence awards are open now through Sept. 15. Also, you might consider submitting a poster abstract to share your unit’s research or innovation.
In the meantime, we’ve developed a way to share with you some of the learning and inspiration you missed by recording several of the presentations that would have been offered at NTI 2020. They will be highlighted on the NTI pages of our website and added to the CE center each month as they are completed.
This is our moment to raise our voices in advocacy, to fulfill our promise to patients, families, and to each other. I'm honored to be in this moment with you. And I'm all in. Whether we gather in person or virtually in 2021, I look forward to joining you.