Policy Handbook and Materials

Program Approval CERP Policy

Click here to read the CERP policy handbook.


Review additional resources to help make your program a success.

Frequently Asked Questions

Visit the FAQ page if you have questions about Program Approval for your presentation.

A completed application submitted with processing fees is required before a presentation will be reviewed. You will be able to save your progress as you continue through each step of the application.

To get started on your program approval application:

Read the CERP program approval policy handbook

Log-in with your AACN customer number

Prepare basic program information with program learning outcomes

Include individual presentations and presenter information

Credit card payment information

Your program will not be eligible for CERP unless it is scheduled to take place at least 20 business days from the date a complete application is submitted with payment. If you have any questions, email programapproval@aacn.org.