Module 1: Starting Off
  1. Explore the impact of preceptors on the nursing workforce
  2. Identify tactics to encourage successful integration of the orientee on the unit
  3. Define psychological safety and its part in a preceptorship
Module 2: Creating Meaningful Learning Experiences
  1. Organize preceptorship experiences to maximize orientee learning
  2. Grow the flexibility of the preceptor to respond to changing needs
  3. Facilitate greater orientee independence through orientation
Module 3: Giving and Receiving Actionable Feedback
  1. Identify approaches for maintaining good relationships with orientees post-preceptorship
  2. Determine ways to provide constructive feedback
  3. Use active listening strategies when receiving feedback
Module 4: Supporting Emotional Resilience
  1. Smooth the orientees’ transition to clinical practice
  2. Bolster the preceptor’s emotional resilience and ability to maintain their emotional health
Module 5: Defining Completion
  1. Define criteria to determine completion of a preceptorship