Module 1: Starting Off
- Explore the impact of preceptors on the nursing workforce
- Identify tactics to encourage successful integration of the orientee on the unit
- Define psychological safety and its part in a preceptorship
Module 2: Creating Meaningful Learning Experiences
- Organize preceptorship experiences to maximize orientee learning
- Grow the flexibility of the preceptor to respond to changing needs
- Facilitate greater orientee independence through orientation
Module 3: Giving and Receiving Actionable Feedback
- Identify approaches for maintaining good relationships with orientees post-preceptorship
- Determine ways to provide constructive feedback
- Use active listening strategies when receiving feedback
Module 4: Supporting Emotional Resilience
- Smooth the orientees’ transition to clinical practice
- Bolster the preceptor’s emotional resilience and ability to maintain their emotional health
Module 5: Defining Completion
- Define criteria to determine completion of a preceptorship