Session 1: Introduction and Professional Caring Practices
This session introduces the AACN Synergy Model for Patient Care. The nurse characteristics are reviewed and information provided about how they are related to the CCRN exam.
Session 2: Behavioral Considerations and Endocrine System
The beginning of this session addresses the common behavioral concerns commonly encountered in the critically ill patient. Assessment strategies are discussed as well as the treatment options for delirium, dementia, depression, mental illness, substance abuse, suicidal behavior and antisocial behavior.
The second part of this session focuses on the endocrine abnormalities covered on the CCRN exam. The areas covered are hypoglycemia, diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), hyperglycemic, hyperosmolar nonketonic coma (HHNK) and syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH).
Session 3: Gastrointestinal System
The anatomy and physiology of the gastrointestinal system are reviewed. Assessment of the GI system is presented. The clinical presentation, diagnostic findings and therapeutic interventions for critically ill patients with liver dysfunction and failure, acute pancreatitis, GI bleeding, bowel disorders, GI surgery and acute abdominal trauma are reviewed.
Session 4: Renal System
The concepts of acute and chronic kidney disease are reviewed with a discussion of the various types of renal replacement therapies seen in the critical care environment. Finally, fluid and electrolyte disturbances are presented along with therapeutic interventions.
Session 5: Hematology and Immunology System
In this session DIC and HELLP syndrome are discussed along with the therapeutic interventions for each. Three types of thrombocytopenia commonly encountered in the critical care environment are reviewed. Therapeutic interventions and nursing considerations are described for each.
Session 6: Multisystem
The most common types toxic exposures encountered in the critical care environment are presented. Additionally, the various types of shock are presented along with the causes, clinical presentation and therapeutic management of each type.
Session 7: Pulmonary System, Part I
In this session, arterial blood gas analysis is discussed. The indications, parameters, settings and therapeutic management for invasive and non-invasive mechanical ventilation are reviewed. Finally, acute respiratory distress and failure are presented.
Session 8: Pulmonary System, Part II
The pathophysiology, signs, symptoms, and management of selected restrictive and obstructive pulmonary disease conditions, pulmonary embolus, pulmonary hypertension and traumatic injuries are reviewed.
Session 9: Neurologic System, Part I
In this session a brief review of neuro-anatomy is presented. Key components of the neurologic assessment are reviewed. The clinical significance and management of increased intracranial pressure is discussed. The etiology, clinical presentation and therapeutic management of traumatic brain injuries and ischemic stroke are presented.
Session 10: Neurologic System, Part II
This session covers a wide variety of neurological disorders. The session begins with a thorough discussion of hemorrhagic stroke, followed by a discussion of a variety of neurologic infectious diseases. The etiology, clinical presentation and management of critically ill patients with seizures, epilepsy and brain tumors is presented. The session concludes with a discussion of the surgical management of various neurologic disorders.
Session 11: Cardiovascular System, Part I
This session focuses on a presentation of direct and derived hemodynamic parameters. For each parameter discussed, the clinical significance is reviewed as is the significance of high or low values. General treatment strategies for optimizing the hemodynamic values are presented.
Session 12: Cardiovascular System, Part II
In this session, the content focuses on the various vasoactive medications used to optimize hemodynamic parameters. Included in the discussion for each medication is the mechanisms of action, indications for, side effects of, dose ranges and any clinical considerations for each medication reviewed. A discussion of cardiogenic shock concludes the session.
Session 13: Cardiovascular System, Part III
This session covers the topics of heart failure and acute coronary syndromes. The pathophysiology, clinical presentation and patient management for patients with heart failure, cardiomyopathies, congestive heart failure and acute pulmonary edema are reviewed. Acute coronary syndromes are reviewed and 12-lead ECG findings for a variety of common myocardial infarction types are demonstrated.
Session 14: Cardiovascular System, Part IV
The focus of this session is on the management of patients with an acute MI including the recognition and management of common complications of an MI. Valvular heart disease, cardiac surgical management of cardiac disease, peripheral arterial disease and aortic aneurysm classification and management are also covered.