NTI 2025 Social Media Toolkit

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Attending NTI?

We're so excited you registered! Tell your nursing colleagues that you're attending NTI 2025, and invite them to join you in New Orleans or virtually. Below are images and sample posts to share via social channels:


Download and save image on your desktop or mobile device to post with.

Facebook | Instagram | Stories | LinkedIn/X

Sample Caption

I registered for #NTI2025 and can't wait to learn and connect with my fellow nurses in New Orleans! Will you be going to NTI this year? www.aacn.org/imgoingtonti

Presenting at NTI?

Please share with our community of exceptional nurses that you will be presenting at NTI 2025, and invite them to consider attending. Below are images and sample posts to share via social channels:


Download and save image on your desktop or mobile device to post with.

Facebook | Instagram | Stories | LinkedIn/X

Sample Caption

I'm excited to announce I'll be presenting at #NTI2025 and can't wait to connect with our community of exceptional nurses in New Orleans! My session will be [session day/time] in room [location number]. Will you be taking advantage of all that NTI offers? www.aacn.org/seeyouatnti

Exhibiting at NTI?

Please share with our community of exceptional nurses that you will be exhibiting at NTI 2025, and invite them to stop by your booth. Below are images and sample posts to share via social channels:


Download and save image on your desktop or mobile device to post with.

Facebook | Instagram | Stories | LinkedIn/X

Sample Caption

We're exhibiting at #NTI2025 and can't wait to connect with AACN's community of exceptional nurses! Our exhibit booth number is [enter booth number]. Will you be taking advantage of the unparalleled education and energy NTI offers? www.aacn.org/seeusatnti

Tips for Promoting

Use our #NTI2025 event hashtag. Hashtags — which offer conversation on a topic in social media — are important. We hope you’ll use the hashtag frequently, both leading up to and during #NTI2025. If you’re attending, post about how excited you are to be there and include the event hashtag whenever you post on any social media platform (i.e., Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn). Our AACN social media team will often engage back and perhaps reshare or retweet your posts.

Actively @ mention AACN in your copy. When mentioning the AACN community in your copy, we encourage you to actively @ mention the associated platform username to help reach more members of our community: Facebook (@AACNface), Instagram (@exceptionalnurses), Twitter (@AACNme) and LinkedIn (American Association of Critical-Care Nurses).

Monitor the hashtag and our AACN social media pages before the event. This is a great way to share your excitement about attending #NTI2025 and to see who else is posting about it. Join the conversation, follow them and let them know you’re excited to meet and learn more about what they do. We want to know about your NTI journey from the time you arrive in New Orleans until the moment you leave the conference.

Post content during the event. Share photos, videos, screenshots and comments about things that interest you and catch your eye. The more you post about various aspects of New Orleans and the virtual event — courses, speakers, SuperSessions, after-hours events, the NTI experience itself — the more special it will be to your followers.

Be engaged. Social media is a fantastic tool for sharing experiences and gaining new contacts. Use some time during event week to read, like, comment on and share other attendees’ posts. They might be having experiences at #NTI2025 that you’re not aware of and would like to consider.

Keep it social after #NTI2025 ends, too. Social media continues after #NTI2025 ends. Take some time after the conference to search the hashtag to see if there is content you might have missed in the excitement of #NTI2025. Send a speaker a follow-up question, reach out to those you met in New Orleans or virtually, and let them know how much you enjoyed your experience.

Connect with AACN on Facebook, Instagram, X and LinkedIn to stay up-to-date leading up to event weeks.

Keep it social at #NTI2025!