Co-Worker Kudos: Improving Meaningful Recognition Among Staff and Increasing RN Retention

UH Beachwood Medical Center, Beachwood, Ohio

Nov 06, 2024

CSI Summary

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Project Topic:

Increase meaningful recognition and increase RN retention in the Perioperative areas.

Hospital, City and State:

UH Beachwood Medical Center, Beachwood, Ohio


  • Preadmission Testing Unit
  • Preoperative Unit
  • Post-Anesthesia Care Unit

CSI Participants:

  • Valerie Gehalo, BSN, RN-BC
  • Rita Smith, RN

Project Goals/Objectives:

  1. Decrease staff turnover by 10%
  2. 70% of staff would participate in meaningful recognition
  3. Increase Health Work Environment Assessment Tool (HWEAT) Standard Meaningful Recognition score from 3.35 to 4.00

Project Outcomes:

  1. Increased HWEAT Meaningful Recognition score from 3.35 to 3.79
  2. Decreased RN turnover by 50%
  3. Increased staff participation to 81%

Project Overview:

After completing the Healthy Work Environment Assessment Tool for our preoperative units, we noted that meaningful recognition was 3.35, somewhat healthy. We implemented a project that would boost morale and improve this to moderately healthy. We noted that RN turnover for unit was up by 20%, a significant amount for a hospital of 185 employees compared to larger hospitals. Our hospital had limited methods for peer-to-peer recognition.

After completing the Healthy Work Environment Assessment Tool for our preoperative units, we noted that meaningful recognition was 3.35, somewhat healthy. We implemented a project that would boost morale and improve this to moderately healthy. We noted that RN turnover for unit was up by 20%, a significant amount for a hospital of 185 employees compared to larger hospitals. Our hospital had limited methods for peer-to-peer recognition.

We created a recognition board in our PACU and PAT areas that would be decorated with a monthly theme. Positive quotes on teamwork, encouragement, and gratitude would be posted on our boards. A themed cutout such as a heart for February or apple for September was available for employees to write a quick meaningful recognition for their co-worker. Every week a winner was drawn to see who would get a free lunch coupon and a parking place next to the employee entrance. They could park there for a week. The feedback was very positive.

We kept data on the numbers of kudos weekly and could see when the numbers dropped from lack of interest. We met with our leadership team to make changes. We changed our prize parking place from the entrance by our ER to one right next to the door to come in. We included all employees of the hospital and placed another recognition board in our cafe area. We had managers and surgeons being recognized.

A post-project HWEAT survey was given again and our Meaningful Recognition score went up to 3.79. All of the other scores went up as well. Our aggregate score went from 3.43 to 3.82. Our RN turnover went from 20% down to 10%. Our participation in the project from our perioperative area was 81%. Feedback from employees has been overwhelmingly positive.

Permission to Reuse Materials
The materials associated with this AACN Clinical Scene Investigator (CSI) Academy project are the property of the participating hospital noted above, not AACN. Requests to use content contained in the CSI team’s summary, presentation or toolkit should be directed to the hospital. We suggest reaching out to the hospital’s Communications, Marketing or Nursing Education department for assistance.

The AACN CSI Academy program supports change projects based on quality improvement methods. Although CSI teams seek to ensure linkage between their project and clinical/fiscal outcomes, data cannot be solely attributed to the project and are estimations of impact.