Renewal Eligibility Requirements & Fees

CCNS Pediatric 

Choose one of the following renewal options:

  • Option 1 – Practice Hours and CE Points
  • Option 2 – Practice Hours and Renewal Exam (plus Pharmacology CE)
  • Option 3 – CE Points and Renewal Exam
  • Practice Hours & CE Points

  • Practice Hours, Exam & Pharma CE

  • CE Points & Renewal Exam

For renewal by practice hours and CE points, you must meet all eligibility requirements for renewal and submit your application prior to your scheduled renewal date.

Eligibility Requirements
  • An unencumbered license has not been subjected to formal discipline by the board of nursing in the state(s) in which the nurse practiced during the most recent renewal period and has no provisions or conditions that limit the nurse's practice. Provisions or conditions may include, but are not limited to, direct supervision of practice, drug administration limitations and/or practice area exclusions.
  • Practice as an APRN for 1,000 hours during the five-year certification renewal period is required.
    • Eligible hours must include active involvement as a CNS in the care of acutely/critically ill pediatric patients in the U.S. CNSs practicing outside the U.S. should contact AACN regarding eligible practice hours.
    • Contact information for your supervisor or a professional associate must be provided for verification of eligibility related to practice hours.
  • Completion of 150 CE Points, with a minimum of 75 in Category I (25 as Pharmacology CE), is required.
    • The CE Points program includes informal learning and formal educational activities granting contact hours or CE, as well as optional activities such as presentations, preceptorships and volunteer work. CE Point topics and activities are summarized below and detailed in the CCNS Renewal Handbook.
  • For complete eligibility requirements, refer to the CCNS Renewal Handbook.

AACN Members




For renewal by practice hours, Pharma CE and renewal exam, you must meet the eligibility requirements, apply at least 30 days prior to your scheduled renewal date, and pass the exam before your expiration date.

Eligibility Requirements
  • An unencumbered license has not been subjected to formal discipline by the board of nursing in the state(s) in which the nurse practiced during the most recent renewal period and has no provisions or conditions that limit the nurse's practice. Provisions or conditions may include, but are not limited to, direct supervision of practice, drug administration limitations and/or practice area exclusions.
  • Practice as an APRN for 1,000 hours during the five-year certification renewal period is required.
    • Eligible hours must include active involvement as a CNS in the care of acutely/critically ill pediatric patients in the U.S. CNSs practicing outside the U.S. should contact AACN regarding eligible practice hours.
    • Contact information for your supervisor or a professional associate must be provided for verification of eligibility related to practice hours.
  • Completion of 25 Pharmacology CE during the five-year certification period is required.
  • Successfully applying for, taking and passing the CCNS renewal exam before your scheduled renewal date is required.
    • Refer to the CCNS Renewal Handbook for the current test plan and the Certification Exam Policy Handbook for exam scheduling and testing information.
  • For complete eligibility requirements, refer to the CCNS Renewal Handbook.

AACN Members




For renewal by CE Points and renewal exam, you must meet the eligibility requirements, apply at least 30 days prior to your scheduled renewal date, and pass the exam before your expiration date.

Eligibility Requirements
  • An unencumbered license has not been subjected to formal discipline by the board of nursing in the state(s) in which the nurse practiced during the most recent renewal period and has no provisions or conditions that limit the nurse's practice. Provisions or conditions may include, but are not limited to, direct supervision of practice, drug administration limitations and/or practice area exclusions.
  • Completion of 150 CE Points, with a minimum of 75 in Category I (25 as Pharmacology CE), is required.
    • The CE Points program includes informal learning and formal educational activities granting contact hours or CE, as well as optional activities such as presentations, preceptorships and volunteer work. CE Point topics and activities are summarized below and detailed in the CCNS Renewal Handbook.
  • Successfully applying for, taking and passing the CCNS renewal exam before your scheduled renewal date is required.
    • Refer to the CCNS Renewal Handbook for the current test plan and the Certification Exam Policy Handbook for exam scheduling and testing information.
  • For complete eligibility requirements, refer to the CCNS Renewal Handbook.

AACN Members




CE Points Program Overview

Following is an overview of categories in the CE Points program. A total of 150 CE Points, with a minimum of 75 in Category I (25 as Pharmacology CE), is required. Category II activities are optional but may account for up to 75 of the required CE Points. 

Category I

Acute Care Education

Programs granting CE or CME, academic courses and informal CE programs

Minimum 75 CE Points

Category II

Optional Activities

Includes professional publications, presentations, preceptorship and volunteer activities

Minimum 0 CE Points


A current, unencumbered U.S. RN or APRN license and a combination of practice hours, CE Points and/or renewal exam are required.