Nurses observe and experience inequities in healthcare, their communities and everyday life. As part of our EDI journey, AACN sought to learn more about your observations and views on EDI. We asked some crucial questions, and you responded with your bold voices to tell us about negative experiences, feeling less than valued and perceived unfair hiring. The results are eye-opening and will inform our future content, resources and advocacy.
A few key takeaways from AACN’s 2022 EDI Community Survey:
- Acute, progressive and critical care nurses agree that EDI is an important issue for them.
- Less than 40% of nurses believe their immediate supervisor shares their EDI beliefs
- On average, Black, indigenous and people of color (BIPOC) nurses reported experiencing twice as many negative behaviors from colleagues as their white peers.
- Nurses are confident that AACN will continue to address important EDI issues.